​​ Royal oak high school band & orchestra boosters

2019 Tag Days Supporters
Bread by Crispelli's
Bruegger's Bagels
​Royal Oak Post Office
Holiday Market
​​Lily's Seafood 
Fresh Approach Market (Lincoln & Campbell)
National Coney Island (12 & Main)
7-11 (13 & Campbell)
7-11 (13 & Main)
​Creative Arts Studio
Hollywood Market (Main Street)
Hollywood Market (Campbell Road)
Royal Oak Farmers' Market
Emagine Theatre
Starbucks (downtown RO)
Five15 Media Mojo

Thank you for your continued support of our Instrumental Music program:
McCourt's Music
Detroit Violin Company
Royal Oak Ford
Flute Specialists, Inc.
Perry's Pizza, Clawson
Barnes & Noble, Troy
​​​​2019 Golf Outing 
Hole Sponsors

The Jensen Family
McCourts Music
Detroit Violin Company
Royal Oak Optimists
Flute Specialists
A Mapp Insurance & Financial Services
Rasor Law Firm PLLC
Miner's Den
Barbara Merten-Dubensky State Farm Insurance 

Hair Razors
Julian Brothers
6 Salon Royal Oak
Lecole Planners, LLC
Harness Dickey

2019 Jingle Bell Jazz
Sponsors & Donors:
G. Michael Kabot, DDS,  MS
Miner’s Den
Canopy Café
Perry’s Pizza
Flute Specialists, Inc.
Meijer - Woodward Corner Market
Royal Oak Concert Band
The Print Stop, Inc.
Hollywood Markets
Dutch & Jeanne VanDerwill
Mark Ridley's Comedy Castle
Royal Oak Golf Center
Lily's Seafood
Planet Fitness
Christie Siegel
Karen Savage
McCourt’s Music
Dessert Oasis Coffee Roasters
Mojo in the Morning
Kruse & Muer on Woodward
Trader Joe’s - Royal Oak
Emagine Theatre - Royal Oak
Greak Lakes Ace Hardware - RO
Arthur Murray - Royal Oak
Town Tavern
Kate Dukhan
Sarah Garcia
Heather Pardo
Elanin Jirkans
MJR Theater - Troy
Bonnie McDonough
Holiday Market
Barnett Family
Warren & Vilma Dennis
Detroit Red Wings
Detroit Lions
Detroit Pistons
Detroit Tigers
Oak City Grill
Huw & Pam Evans

To make a donation to the Band & Orchestra Boosters, click the green button. If you don’t have a PayPal account, signup is quick and free. Thank you for your support!

​5 Easy Ways to Support the BOB

  1. Attend monthly meetings.  See the schedule on the HOME page and CALENDAR.
  2. Volunteer and contribute.  Be sure to join our email list to stay informed of volunteer opportunities and fundraising efforts (MB Car Wash, Golf Outing, Home Games, Glow Show, Tag Days, Poinsettia Sale, Barnes & Noble, Jingle Bell Jazz, Ford Drive for UR School, etc.)
  3. Shop at Kroger.  Register your Kroger card for Community Rewards. Old members should update their account number to WU326. New members can enroll by searching for ROYAL OAK H S BAND & ORCHESTRA BOOSTERS, or by new account #WU326. Sign up here:  http://www.kroger.com 
  4. ​Shop at Gordon Food Service.  When you shop at Gordon Foods, let them know at checkout that you are shopping for "Royal Oak Bands & Orchestras" and the Boosters will receive discount points to use on supplies.
  5. (Sorry, our AMAZON SMILE account is not active at this time)  
    Shop at Amazon Smile.
      Enter the Amazon Smile website via smile.amazon.com.  Use your usual Amazon sign-in (or create one if you are new to Amazon), designate "Royal Oak High School Band and Orchestra Boosters" as your charity when asked, and then shop as usual.  A portion of your sale amount will go to the Boosters' General Fund for instrumental music department needs (instruments, music, clinicians, etc.).  Prices are the same, and your Amazon Prime membership will work through smile.amazon.com. Follow this LINK to get started.​​